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Weekend Extras
Thank you for your support this week, we are sending warm wishes to you all. We have enjoyed seeing your recent farm work and there have been some great jigsaws, drawings and farm models. You are all doing such a great job! Here are a few ideas for the weekend, to use in any way that you wish.
Y1 – rain, sun, showers, clouds, thunder, rays, shine, heat, hot, cold
Y2 – rainy, rainiest, cloudy, sunny, sunnier, sunniest, brightest, darkest, colder, warmer
Purple Mash:
Follow the 2Do's instructions to access this weekends Purple Mash activity.
To complete an active challenge of your choice, it may be to complete a Joe Wicks workout, go for a safe walk or make up your own challenge. i.e how many star jumps can I do in one minute? Who can complete the most in the family? Can you record using a tally chart?
To complete an active challenge of your choice, it may be to complete a Joe Wicks workout, go for a safe walk or make up your own challenge. i.e how many star jumps can I do in one minute? Who can complete the most in the family? Can you record using a tally chart?