Remote Learning
What is remote learning?
Remote learning is when children are not actually in the school building but are accessing their learning from home. It can be online or paper based or a mixture of both. It can happen when a class, bubble or the whole school is closed or it might be just one child isolating.
Remote learning provides an opportunity for students and teachers to remain connected and engaged with the content of what is being learnt in school, while they work from their homes. Opportunities for remote learning are typically linked to emergency situations that pose a threat to student safety.
What is our provision for remote learning?
This is our provision for remote learning should any children or year group have to self-isolate or the school is forced to close. The document below provides information for our families about what remote learning looks like in our school.
If you have any questions, as always please just ask: email, message on Evidence Me or Class Dojo or phone.
Don't forget - in addition to the remote learning provided by Killamarsh Infant and Nursery there are many fun and useful activities that you can do at home to further support your child's learning. daily reading is very important and reading a variety of text is a great way to develop your child's reading skills. Opportunities such as weighing out ingredients when baking, exercising in the garden and building models can be an excellent way to continue learning. Have a look at the home learning online resources on our class pages to support you. Most importantly - HAVE FUN!!
Help for Home Learning
We appreciate that supporting your child with home learning can be challenging especially for working parents and those with younger siblings who are not at school. Here are a few tips we hope will be helpful for you:
- Learning at home is very different to learning at school but try to establish a routine with your child.
- Children will not necessarily be able to read the plans themselves and understand what they are meant to be doing so please take time to read through the learning with your child and help explain the challenges they have been given.
- Children will need varying levels of support throughout a challenge so be available to offer this support whilst also encouraging independence. If your child appears to be becoming overly frustrated or distressed pop back to explain the challenge again, maybe help them with one or two examples, before allowing them an opportunity to try again independently.
Simple steps to successful access to home learning
Go to the school website at , click the Class Pages tab under the Children heading. Go to ‘Home Learning 2021’ and select your child’s class. An outline of the week can be found here.
Log on to your child’s Microsoft Teams Account (A link for easy access can be found on the Home Learning section of the website) – click on assignment to access the teaching videos, lesson materials and teacher led story time. Live workshop/teaching will also be through Microsoft Teams.
Let us know what you have been doing by posting on Evidence Me (EYFS) or Class Dojo (KS1) and your child’s teacher will respond. You can also ask any questions here too!
What is our policy for Remote Learning?
Our policy for remote learning ensures that we:
- use a curriculum sequence that allows access to high-quality online resources and teaching videos which are linked to the school’s curriculum expectations
- give access to high quality remote education resources through the Microsoft Teams Learning Platform
- provide printed resources, such as activity templates and scaffolds for working, for pupils who do not have suitable online access
- recognise that some pupils with SEND may need a differentiated curriculum set work so that pupils have meaningful and ambitious work each day in a number of different subjects
- teach a planned and well-sequenced curriculum so that knowledge and skills are built incrementally, with a good level of clarity about what is intended to be taught and practised in each subject
- provide frequent, clear explanations of new content, delivered by a teacher through high-quality curriculum resources or videos
- gauge how well pupils are progressing through the curriculum, using questions and other suitable tasks and set a clear expectation on how regularly teachers will check work