Commitment to High Levels of Attendance at School
The staff and governors at Killamarsh Infant and Nursery School are committed to ensuring the highest possible school attendance for all of its pupils.
Our aim is to work alongside parents and families to ensure that pupil attendance is in line or above the national average.
Holidays during term time
Please note that in line with government legislation, the school may only grant leave of absence to pupils in exceptional circumstances – not for family holidays. The school follows the Derbyshire County Council guidelines for all absences.
Sickness If your child is poorly and cannot attend school, the absence should be reported by 9.15am at the latest. You can either ring the school or send a note with a sibling, but we must hear from parents directly rather than from other parents or children.
Attendance Regulations
The Department for Education expects schools to promote good attendance and reduce absences, including persistent absence. This is because we know that missing out on lessons leaves children vulnerable to falling behind. Children with poor attendance tend to achieve less.
As a school we work incredibly hard to support all children and their families to ensure that all children have good attendance.
One aspect of attendance that the government has decided to focus on is approved holidays during term time. As of September 2013, no holidays can be authorised during term time. This means that all holidays will be classified as unauthorised. We realise that this may be an issue for some families but please be aware that this is not a school decision.
As a consequence of these changes the school will no longer be able to approve requests for leave of absence for reasons that are not considered to be special or exceptional such as:
- Availability of cheap holidays and cheap travel arrangements
- Days overlapping with the beginning or end of term
Parents needing leave of absence for exceptional circumstances should complete a form at least two weeks before the anticipated start date. The reason for the request should be given in detail. Applications should be made before the leave is arranged as absences will not be granted retrospectively.
In summary:
- Term time holiday requests cannot and will not be approved by the school, except in extreme personal circumstances. Please do not ask, as the school is not in a position to approve this and consequently any requests will only lead to disappointment.
- Any extreme personal circumstances e.g. serious family illness, must be put in writing to the Chair of Governors for consideration.
- Days taken for holidays in term time will have to be recorded as unauthorised absence by the school and may lead to the involvement of the Local Education Welfare Officer. Such absence masquerading as illness will be recorded similarly.
We would like to remind parents that this is a Government policy and parents who take their children on holiday without permission will incur unauthorised absences for their child and will be issued a penalty notice from the Local Authority. These remain on the child’s record and will be monitored for further action by the Education Welfare Service.
We would like to thank all those parents in our school who ensure that their children have good attendance records.
Guidance on absences due to illness
Guidance for time off school for a range of different illnesses has been set by the government. The school uses this as a guide to how much time your child should have off school due to illness.
Infection or complaint |
Recommended period to be kept away from school or nursery |
Comments | |
Chickenpox | Until all vesicles have crusted over | ||
Cold Sores | None | Avoid contact with the sores | |
Hand, foot and mouth | None | Exclusion may be considered in some cases with GP notification | |
Impetigo | Until lesions are crusted and healed or 48 hours after starting treatment | Antibiotic treatment speeds healing and reduces the infectious period | |
Measles | Four days from the onset of a rash | Preventable by vaccination | |
Ringworm | Exclusion not usually required | Treatment is required | |
Scabies | Child can return after first treatment | Household and close contact require treatment | |
Scarlet fever | Child can return 24 hours after starting appropriate antibiotic treatment | Antibiotic treatment is recommended for the affected child. | |
Slapped cheek | None | ||
Shingles | Exclude only if rash is weeping and cannot be covered | ||
Diarrhoea or vomiting | 48 hours from episode of diarrhoea or vomiting | ||
Conjunctivitis | None | ||
Glandular Fever | None | ||
Head lice | None | Treatment is required in cases where live lice can be seen. |