Community Links
Our ‘Working Together’ display in the entrance area shows examples of:
* Our School community with photos of all pupils.
* Involving parents in events e.g. Food tasting, Reading and Maths mornings.
* Working with community groups e.g. Conservation Group to improve our outdoor school environment.
* Improving our village community through involvement in the Parish Council Litter Project.
* Supporting the safety of our community through the money raised to keep Jon our school crossing control.
* Celebrating our community and the success of a former pupil by attending the opening of an extension to our Leisure Centre. ( Millie Bright England and Chelsea football player )
When planning our topic cycles opportunities to use, our community and environment have been identified. This year we have been to visit the war memorial and the various bridge structures in Killamarsh. We also visit the church and Rother Valley Park. Visitors in to school have included the fire service, NEDC recycling, Mansfield Animal Rescue, the local librarian and the Hand Washing Team. Sally from Doodle Dance worked with REC on a 10-week fine and gross motor programme. A local Church Group- Open Book lead termly assemblies and Phil Kaye also leads termly assemblies.
We have positive relationships with local pre-school providers and the Junior School to ensure smooth transitions for our pupils starting and leaving. We also provide work place experience for pupils from three secondary schools: Eckington. Wales and Westfield.
Our Reception pupils took part in The Derbyshire Dance Platform Event and got the Ah! factor for their Elmer Dance and for being the youngest children there. Our KS1 pupils produced work for a Chinese New Year competition and three pupils were awarded prizes and invited with their parents to an event and award ceremony in Sheffield.
We also like to give to our community and wider charities in order to ensure our pupils are aware of the needs of others. We have taken part in Children in Need, Red Nose Day, Wear it Pink, Race for Life. Poppy appeal and Christmas Jumper Day. Nearer to home, we have supported Bluebell Wood and The New Hope Food Bank with money raised from the donations collected at our Christmas performances. We choose not to charge for tickets and raise money for ourselves but instead ask for any donations and give to help others.