Summer Term Week 1 (20th April 2020)
Hello Skylarks
I hope you're having a good week. Well, Mrs Beck has been making me work hard again! I got a bit wet when I was measuring water for capacity, and watering the plants, so we came inside to get dry. She asked me what time it was and I made a silly mistake so she decided we needed a new lesson on time. First we read the story about Farmer Duck and Mrs Beck wrote some sentences and times. Then I made the times on a clock. I've just had a look at the photos and whoops... I think some might be wrong! Silly me! Please will you have a look and tell me (or your adult) which ones are right and which are wrong. Can you explain why they are right or wrong?
I love seeing photos of you and your work, it gives me lots of ideas about things to do. If it's sunny tomorrow I'm going to make some funny shadows and look at the times of the day and how the sun and shadows move ... and that might help me with telling the time too!
Mrs Beck still misses you all so much but she knows you are all helping your families to keep smiling.
Bye for now
Love Luca