Week 2 Thursday
Today we had a car themed day. We started the day by making our own car parks. We added different one digit and two digit numbers to the car parking spaces. We then had 2 cars parking in our carpark and had to add up the 2 numbers that they were parked on. After that we went into the hall for a bit of Cosmic Yoga and met 'Cracker the Dragon'. After a snack we painted cardboard tubes to make the body of our car.
In the afternoon we put holes in our wheels to add them onto our car with split pins. We then added designs like numbers and lightning strikes. After we had finished our cars we went outside and used the chalk to create a road. We added roundabouts, zebra crossings, a motorway and different shops like Asda and Aldi. We also had a hospital and a McDonalds. After our road was finished we tested our cars on it.