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Today we talked about VE day. We read a story about the queen and talked about the Union Jack flag. The KS1 children read a passage about VE day and answered some comprehension questions about it. The EYFS children did some colouring pages and also everyone did some reading. After a request for move it we did some Jump start Jonny. They all enjoyed it but it made us a bit tired! After snack and playtime we all did some craft. We painted and coloured flags and bunting, so we can decorate the school for VE day. In the afternoon we had a sports coach to do some PE with us. We did a superhero warm up and then ball skills, with and without a bat. They all found balancing the ball a bit tricky. After a playtime, we made coloured patterns using the coloured spots. The children had to work as a team. A very busy but fun day!!