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Today was a dinosaur day. We started the day with 'Harry and the dinosaurs go to school'. We then chose one of Harry's dinosaurs to write about. Then we went into the hall for move it. We did some dinosaur dances and then pretended to be dinosaurs. Look at the photos, they all look different! After snack and playtime, we read another dinosaur book and then we did some addition and a word search. After dinner time we read 'The dinosaur that pooped the bed' and then we all made split pin dinosaurs. We used split pins to make the head and tail move. It was fun, but we had to use lots of different skills. We then tried to break some dinosaurs free from the ice. The ice wasn't that hard, so it didn't take long. After playtime, we went into the ICT suite to go on purple mash. We had to decorate a dinosaur. Another fun but busy day.