The Queen's Platinum Jubilee 2022
The children have had a wonderful time celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee at School and Nursery! We have enjoyed... a morning of crown making, a street party lunch, and an afternoon of Jubilee fun! Visit your child's class gallery to see how they have marked this special day!
Plant a tree for the Jubilee!
The Eco-Committee planted trees on our school field as part of the Woodland Trust's 'Queen's Green Canopy' initiative! Our Eco-Committee and Year 2 children had a lovely little ceromony to mark Her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee, and to celebrate the children's commitment to making our school more eco friendly! Our Eco-Committee also gifted every child in school and nursery with a 'Celebration Seed Paper' to make their gardens at home more bee friendly. (planting instructions below).

We have created a video to share with you our celebrations, and as a memento for us to remember this special day! Click the link below to watch...
Planting Instructions
- In Spring/Summer, when it's warm, soak paper in water and tear into small pieces
- Place in a pot of compost and very lightly sprinkle more compost on top
- Keep the soil and paper moist (but not soaking wet) in a warm and light environment
- Once your small plants have grown, place pot outside or keep on a window that has lots of sun
(Nature is fragile - do not plant in the wild. Suitable for gardens and windows only.)