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Killamarsh Infant and

Nursery School

Brighter Beginnings

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Summer 1

Reception Half Term Challenge

Well done to all the children who completed the half term challenge. They chose their favourite mini beast and wrote all about it. 

Reading Raffle

Congratulations to Abigail, our Reading Raffle winner this half term. 

Well done to the children who have been reading at home and the Grown-ups that have been writing in their reading diaries. Remember that for every week that you read with your child and write in their reading diary they get a ticket in the end of term reading raffle with a chance to win a book.

Evidence Me Raffle

Thank you to all the grown ups who have contributed to their child's learning journal by sending us photos/videos and notes from home! Remember, every time you send us a family observation via Evidence Me your child will receive one ticket for the termly raffle. This term a gardening set was up for grabs.... and the winner was Zac. 
