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Killamarsh Infant and

Nursery School

Brighter Beginnings

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Every September we introduce SMILERS to Killamarsh Infant and Nursery School. Each term we will be focusing on one of the aims. Each letter stands for something to help with our mental health and wellbeing. 

S - Stay Connected

M - Move

I - Interest

L - Look

E - Eat Well

R - Rest

S - Support


In addition to this we have appointed wellbeing warriors from each class to help implement SMILERS and also support all the children. 


Still image for this video
Watch the SMILERS video to find out all about it.

Bronze Award

This year we applied for our bronze award. We had to explain why we wanted to use SMILERS and how we used it across school. We were very excited to receive our certificate. 

Our Bronze Award Certificate
