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Killamarsh Infant and

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SEND Home learning resources

On here will be resources to support pupils with SEN during the home learning period.

Brain Breaks

Some pupils might need breaks between activities to give their brain a chance to relax. Why not try some of the activities on these cards.

Social stories

Your child might need Coronavirus visually explained to them to alleviate any worries. Try these free resources.

Visual Cues

Your child may need visual cues to help them understand the routine for the day. Try creating a visual timetable with pictures of what is happening throughout the day. 

Speech and Language Resources

If your child has speech and language therapy continue to work on their targets with the resources given. You may also want to have a go at some of these activities.

Emotional support

Your child might struggle to express their emotions. Create some emotion cards to help your child verbalise how they feel.

CAMHS have some fantastic self help resources to support pupils with anxiety, self esteem issues, sleeping difficulties and many other things, Take a look at the booklets, apps videos and website links.
