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Phonics Screening Check 2019 Support

Phonics Screening Check June 2019

If your Year 2 child is about to carry out their Phonics Screening Check, here is some information on how you can support them at home prior to the check. Whilst the check is carried out under test conditions and on a one to one basis, it will be ensured that your child feels comfortable during the process. 


It is crucial that they attend school every day from the week beginning 10th June 2019. If for any reason they are absent, teachers are given a second week to carry out the check. However all checks must be completed by Friday 21st June 2019.


If you would like to support your child at home, please follow the link below where you will find past screening check materials. There is also a fantastic video that outlines acceptable answers that your child's class teacher can and cannot accept during the check. 


Thank you for your ongoing support. If you have any further questions please speak to your child's class teacher.

Year 1 phonics screening check training video

This video is for teachers undertaking the year 1 phonics screening check. Teachers should watch this after they have read the Check administrators' guide which includes a section on how to score the check. The video exemplifies issues that could arise in the check. Each check should be relatively simple to score.
