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Helping your child at home
Click on the websites below to access free resources, activities and games to use with your child at home.
I Want to Design BBC Teach In this series of short films the designers from CBBC's I Want My Own Room pass on their top tips and design know-how to provide children with ideas and inspiration to get creative.
Topmarks This website contains a wealth of educational resources to introduce students to the world of innovation and creativity.
Culinary Schools This website offers a collection of over 150 online games to help familiarize children with food, farming, cooking, the culinary arts, the restaurant business and hospitality-related careers.
STEM Use the website to explore a variety of activities and challenges that can be used to support children’s design and technology education.
The School Run Make, build, code, construct, design, invent and engineer – each of these websites is packed with design and technology learning to keep your child learning, testing and creating at home.
BBC Bitesize This collection contains curriculum relevant videos, quizzes and games to help Year 1/2 students with: tools for designing and design ideas and how to get creative.
Science Museum There’s a great section on here for learning – with project ideas linking science and DT. You are also able to explore the museum and some collections link well to DT
Robives Lots of ideas on here for mechanisms, some are charged (£2.50 each) but he also has a blog and you can probably use the images to create a project without having to pay for instructions. He’s also on Instagram with detailed plans.
Design and Technology Lessons They have made a selection of suitable topics free for home and distance learning.
Jamie Oliver Lots of recipes but also a ‘learn’ section. This also links to his channel 4 programme ‘Jamie: Keep cooking and Carry on.’ This may be a nice way to involve all the family.