Well, what a day. It was Pirate Day! The children set the bar high from the beginning, we simply requested stripy tops, but our amazing parents and carers pulled through even in these uncertain times.
So...we started our voyage by staining some paper ready for our pirate maps. Whilst they dried we made some cupcakes. Whilst they baked we drew what we would look like as a pirate and wrote some simple sentences about pirates.
After play time we did some calculations and then some reading. We also did some pirate colouring in.
Once we had finished our pirate feast (aka lunch) we did some yoga led by Mrs Shaw. We spent some time drawing our pirate maps. We then decorated our pirate themed cupcakes. Then we made a flag and took them outside for our pirate treasure hunt. Mrs Bainbridge didn’t manage to take many photos as she had to help the children find their coins. If Mrs Shaw was a pirate, she would make a very good one, she was very good at hiding the treasure.
We then came inside and spent some time reflecting on the day. As we did so we completed some more colouring in pages for the new hospital that has been opened for the NHS.
What a fantastic day. Thank you to all of our pirates. Finally in the words of Pirate Linley “what is a pirates favourite cheese....cheddarrrrrrrrrr”.