Fresh Air Thursday - Mud Monsters
Mud Monsters
This week in our Fresh Air Thursday session, our focus was Halloween! We started our session with a game of 'stuck in the mud' and 'mud monsters'. The children were able to use their dodging and running skills that they had learnt in PE, to escape the monsters. They also used their teamwork skills to help free their friends if they were tagged and 'stuck' in the mud! We then moved over to the fire circle, where the children played 'duck, duck goose' Halloween style. We cheered our friends on and completed each run with a ghostly noise.
Our activity in outdoor learning today, was to work with a partner and create a mud monster face using mud and the natural environment around us. We discussed what objects and resources we could use for facial features and how we could make it look scarrryyy or crreeeppyy! We even enjoyed having fun in the mud!