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- Summer 1 Gallery - 'Ugly Bug Ball'
- Forest School
This week we have been learning all about bees. During Forest Friday we pretended to be bees, collecting nectar with our 'nectar collectors' and putting it in the hive. It was hard work! We then used natural resources to make honeycomb in a hexagon shape. We enjoyed winding wool around to make bees for the hive.
Today was Number Day! We used lots of natural materials to make numbers. We used sticks, stones and leaves. We have also been learning about doubles. After rolling the dice we all went off to find double that number in natural resources. We found double 5, double 3 and double 2. We then sat in a circle and worked as a team, using string to make a huge spider web. After that we created spiders for the spider web, making sure we had 8 legs. We had lots of fun!
During Forest Friday we created a ladybird. Some of us used mud, sticks and daisies on the wall and some made it on the grass. We then made some signs for out vegetables in the allotment and planted a few in the beds.
In Forest Friday we sat and looked and listened at our environment to see what changes have happened since the last time we went out. We noticed that the daffodils are growing, some leaves are growing on the trees, the birds were singing and the sky was blue. We talked about some of the minibeasts we might find in the garden. We found a stick and created our own magnifying glass using the stick and a pipe cleaner. We then went on a hunt and recorded what we found by drawing a picture and writing the word in our Forest Friday class books.