Easter Holidays (WB 6th April 2020 and 13th April 2020)
Hi everyone,
Here are some activity ideas you might like to try with your child during the Easter period. It is a selection of ideas that we feel Key Stage 1 children would both enjoy, and also learn from.
Please take a look at the list below which includes a variety of documents, as well as some of our own simple, fun ideas. Please use them in any way you choose. We hope they help you to keep busy, but also importantly, to have some fun and fresh air; we have tried to include ideas to use indoors as well as on a short walk or in the garden.
Best wishes from the KS1 team
Hello Skylarks,
I hope you had a good Easter weekend. I had lots of fun helping to decorate Mrs Beck's house. If you look at the photos you will see I even decorated myself, it looks like I'm wearing an Easter bonnet! Then I saw some photos of Felix playing hide and seek with Mrs Bainbridge and I wanted to play. I found an empty chocolate Easter egg box and thought it would be a good place to hide, so I climbed in. But it was a bit small and I got stuck! Luckily Mrs Beck saw my head sticking out and she rescued me! There weren't even any eggs left in it for me to snack on (because I'd eaten them myself the day before, heehee).
Did you guess what I found in the garden last week? It was a sunflower head from last year! It doesn't look yellow anymore because it has dried up over the winter. Anyway Mr Beck let me have some of the seeds so I can grow my own sunflower this year. Look at the photo, I have to remember to water it and let the sun shine on it. I will let you know if it starts to grow. What do you think will happen first?
Better go now and water my seeds. Mrs Beck said some of you are growing things at home too.
Remember to continue being good at home, keep being active like me and most important of all, keep smiling!
Bye for now
Love Luca

Hello Skylarks,
Great news everyone, I have been exercising so much and practicing my sports activities, that I have been awarded my orange belt!!!
Have a look at the photos, I think it looks really good. Now I have to work hard to get my green belt, so keep your fingers and paws crossed for me.
Well everyone, I've had a busy week again with Mrs Beck, I'm definitely ready for a little Easter weekend break. It has been nice to sometimes rest in my little rocking chair and read our favourite book. I love the one about the chocolate cake and when Mrs Beck wasn't looking I sneaked downstairs, just like in the story, and looked for some cake. I found a little chocolate nest in the cupboard and ate it! She won't notice will she? Of course I will own up if she asks me and there are enough cakes left in the packet for the rest of the family. I didn't eat them all like the boy in the story!!
Yesterday I found something in the garden and I took a photo of it. It looks like an dry old flower head because I think I can see some seeds in the middle. Have a look at the photo, what do you think it is? I'm going to ask Mr Beck (Mrs Beck isn't very good at gardening) and see if I can have the seeds. I will let you know what he says about it and if he can help me with some planting.
I still miss you all so much and I loved seeing some of your photos on Class Dojo. Thanks for making Mrs Beck smile.
Bye for now
Love Luca