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Killamarsh Infant and

Nursery School

Brighter Beginnings

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Autumn 2

Evidence Me Raffle

Thank you to all the grown ups who have contributed to their child's electronic learning journal by sending us photos/videos and notes from home! Remember, every time you send us a family observation via Evidence Me your child will receive one ticket for the termly raffle. This term a Christmas themed dinner set was up for grabs...and the Robin winner was Quinn!

Maths Morning

We have enjoyed showing our parents and carers how we learn maths in Reception. We have chosen a number card and threaded the correct number of beads on e.g. one less than 5. We completed number sentences by creating a number of playdough balls and squashing them to see how many were left. We used pegs and pegboards to create colour patterns and talk about them. We also copied and continues patterns using Unifix cubes.
