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Nursery School

Brighter Beginnings

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Killamarsh Walk

Killamarsh Walk to the War Memorial and Bridges


As part of our topic 'The Great Outdoors' we went for a walk around Killamarsh. First we took our painted poppy rocks to the War Memorial and looked at all of the other poppies and information. Then we walked through Killamarsh to Station Road and went up the hill to the statues. One of them is of a soldier from Killamarsh. Next we went to look at all of the different bridges as you enter Killamarsh. Some are old and some are new, some go over the river and some over the road and one is an old railway bridge. 

We are now going to write a recount of our walk and also complete activities linked to the traditional tale 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'. Luckily we didn't see any trolls under our bridges!
