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Killamarsh Infant and

Nursery School

Brighter Beginnings

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Weekend Extras

Thank you for your support this week, we are sending warm wishes to you all. We have enjoyed seeing your work this week, there have been some good scarecrows and we hope that you enjoyed our first KS1 zoom. You are all doing such a great job! Here are a few ideas for the weekend, to use in any way that you wish. We know that some of you will be thinking about and celebrating the VE anniversary this weekend.


Y1 – light, than, scales, gram, pound.
Y2 – weight, heavy, heaviest, light, lightest, balanced, heavier, lighter.


Purple Mash:

Login to purple mash and click on the 2dos section. Complete the Union Jack colouring activity.



Join in with supermovers ‘Capacity and Volume’ Song.

