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Killamarsh Infant and

Nursery School

Brighter Beginnings

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Welcome to the PTA section of our website.


Who are we?

Parents (past and present), Grandparents, Carers, Staff (Teaching and Non-teaching), and friends – all with a single goal – to support our school, in particular the children at Killamarsh Infant and Nursery School.


What do we do? and What have we done?

We get together to organise fund raising events and extra curricular activities such as Summer and Christmas Fairs, Egg Hunts and Leaving Disco’s.  With the generosity of our supporters, we have been able to provide school with funds to purchase books for all areas in school, play equipment and resources, IT equipment, music and sound equipment, cameras and video recorders and many many other items.  We also have supported various Workshop Activities like Caribbean and Indian Dance as well as Chinese New Year. 


Can you help ?

PTA is always keen to have any new ideas – any help you can give, either on the day or involvement  to organise and support helps enormously.  Fresh thinking to fund raising ideas would be appreciated and welcomed.

Please leave your name and contact details with the School Office or e-mail the Chair of the PTA using the contact form below.


We very much look forward to hearing from you.


Killamarsh Infant and Nursery School

Telephone: 0114 2485852 or email


Killamarsh Infant and Nursery PTA

Contact our fun raising team. We would love to hear from you!
