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Killamarsh Infant and

Nursery School

Brighter Beginnings

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wk beg: 05.10.2020

Maths Y1:


This we are starting Addition and Subtraction in Maths. We are looking at our number bonds to 10. e.g. 2+8=10 1=9+10. We will then be adding different amounts together to find a total. You could do this is any way, perhaps using items around the house. We will also be writing number sentences for these amounts. 1+4=5


Maths Y2:


This week we are revising Addition and Subtraction. We are looking at number bonds to 10. Then to 20. We will then extend this to number bonds to 100. e.g. 30+70=100. We will then move onto revising the addition and subtraction symbols and write calculations down and work out the answers. e.g. 34+6=?    45-2=? (two digit number and a one digit number for these calculations).





This we are looking at all things Autumn. We will start the week by collecting Autumn words and making a word bank. Then we will describe pictures using Autumnal words. Then the middle of the week we will be writing simple sentences about Autumn. Followed by writing an Autumn poem. Then on Friday we will practice our handwriting, writing Autumn words.



We are looking at the tree outside and drawing it using pastels. Perhaps you could find some leaves in your garden and draw them, paint them and do some pressing with them or even use wax crayons to do leaf rubbings. 


We will also be sorting items into two categories, alive and dead.


We will also be doing some observational drawings of conkers, leaves, trees and pumpkins. You may choose anything to draw at home. Perhaps some fruit.

Maths Resources:

English Resources:

Topic Resources:

