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Killamarsh Infant and

Nursery School

Brighter Beginnings

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Week 5 - Lava Lamps

This week we have been looking at the density of different liquids.  We used our senses of touch and sight to initially compare water with oil.  We noticed that the oil is thicker and feels smoother than the water.  We then partially filled a bottle with water and then topped it up with oil and we observed that the oil stayed on the top of the water.  We researched using the internet to find out why oil and water do not mix.

Next was the exciting part where we made our own lava lamps.  During our research we discovered that oil is less dense than water, so it floats on top of the water. We added some sodium bicarbonate tablets to the bottle and noticed that bubbles were made.  The bubbles are filled with carbon dioxide and are also less dense than water, so they rise to the top of the bottle.
