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Summer Term Week 2 (27th April 2020)

A green message from Luca the leopard

Hello Skylarks


Good news, I have been exercising and practicing my skills and now I've been awarded my green belt! Have a look, do you think it looks good? I'm very proud of myself.


Well everyone, I have been doing lots of science and maths with Mrs Beck this week. The first thing I did was baking. I had to measure all the ingredients, I was a bit clumsy and ended up looking like a polar bear!! Can you guess which ingredient fell on me? Anyway the white chocolate and caramel brownies were really yummy! Guess who ate most of them? No not me, Mrs Beck!!


Then I had a go at the science experiment that Mrs Beck put on Class Dojo. I made myself some hats and went out in the rain. Have a look at the photos. Which material do you think wasn't waterproof? I got very wet with that one but it was lots of fun and I learnt lots.


I hope you are all well. Sometimes I close my eyes and imagine I'm having a cuddle with you all, it helps a lot and makes me smile.


Bye for now

Love Luca


