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Week 3 - 'Show and Tell' with books from Miss Brown's Reading Garden!

'Show and Tell' with Books from Miss Brown's Reading Garden


This week in book club, we started our session by choosing a book and reading it for pleasure. This means there were no questions asked, no reason why any of the children had to read a certain book; they just looked for one that interested them and looked at it. There were different genres of books to look through; non-fiction, fiction and stories, comics, magazines and chapter books. We then chose our favourite and did 'show and tell' to the rest of our book club group. We talked about the book, looked at who the author was and explained why we liked it. At the end of the club, we had a biscuit or fruit for snack and rolled the story dice to orally make up a story together ready for next week...

My Favourite was...

Our story dice pictures to create our story were... (Can you guess what our story might have been about?)
