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Killamarsh Infant and

Nursery School

Brighter Beginnings

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Useful Resources and Websites

Wake and Shake

Playing at Home

Learning through play forms a huge part of our timetable in nursery; it's a valuable part of your child's development. As it may be challenging to replicate the provision and resources we offer at nursery, below are some handy documents with a range of play based activity ideas which you can try during your 'home learning' time. 


Here are a couple of useful documents to support you and your child with phonics in addition to our weekly pre recorded session. N1 children (children who will continue in nursery in September 2021) will be working in Phase 1 phonics and tuning into sounds. N2 children (children who will start school in September 2021) will continue to develop their confidence in Phase 1, particularly oral blending and segmenting (robot arms), but will also begin to explore Phase 2. 

Useful Websites
