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Killamarsh Infant and

Nursery School

Brighter Beginnings

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Our School Offer

Our School Offer


At Killamarsh Infant and Nursery School, we pride ourselves in knowing the children well: we are alert to the welfare of our children and are vigilant regarding any situation in which we can provide support.


We have a number of systems in place to help and we seek at all times to work in collaboration with families, with openness, integrity and understanding and with the needs of the child at the centre of all we do.


Early Help is everyone’s responsibility. You can speak with any member of the school team who would be happy to work with you or pass your concerns on to one of our Early Help team.


Early Help is vital because there is clear evidence that it results in better outcomes for children.

1. Support for all children and families


  • We have an ‘open door’ policy to communicate, providing time to talk to all parents, children and families, to ensure all children are safe, happy and learning.


  • We are available to talk via telephone and face to face and provide time for our parents to communicate and work with us. (eg. Through structured conversations, Parents Evening meetings and good daily availability)


  • Our children are actively encouraged to speak about any concerns they have to a member of staff. They know that our staff take all their concerns very seriously and they know that they can speak to any adult in school.


  • The Children’s Voice is also represented by the School Council, which regularly meets with Mrs Taylor.


  • We have a member of staff who liaises with our School Pastoral Officer to provide TALK TIME for any child who needs it.


  • We have an effective PSHE curriculum which supports children and develops key skills, not only for school but for life.

2. Support for all children and families

We can work more closely with families and children who need some extra support


Our School Pastoral Officer:


Mrs Annette Dilon is our School Pastoral Officer. She can speak to you about any support you might need for children and families. We can refer to other agencies to provide support. Mrs Dilon might complete an Early Help Assessment with you to help decide the support that would be best. The Children's Voice is heard throughout all support.


ATTENDANCE is an essential part of early help -supporting parents / carers to ensure their children have good attendance and punctuality.




Mrs Holmes is our Inclusion Leader and, with all staff, identifies children who have more specific and individual needs. Interventions / personalised programmes may be used for educational, social, physical and emotional needs.

SEND funding pathways and target setting may be implemented. Parents / carers are always fully involved.


Early Years Support:


The Early Years Leader is Miss J Judson.

Our Early Years team support children and families in many ways including with:

- Toileting

- Routines

- Eating

- Behaviour

- Being ready for their next stage in education

- Partnership with other agencies especially the 0-5 team Health Team

- Encouraging strong parent partnership

- Speech and language development: we have 2 ECAT (Every Child a Talker) lead Miss Judson and Mrs Stevens

- Physical Development: we use the ECAM (Every Child a Mover) targets




School Health

Health Team (0-5 years)

Medical support

Behaviour Support Services

Speech Therapists

Autism Outreach


Educational Psychology

DIASS (Derbyshire Information Advisory and Support Service)


Changing Lives

SSSEN service


3. Beyond Early Help

We can seek further support to best support children and families


  • If the support we can offer and source for you just isn't enough then we can request further support and intervention. This may be to Children and Families Services via a referral to Starting Point.


  • If you family experiences a crisis or a safeguarding emergency referral is made then a social worker may become involved. We will continue to support children and families. Miss Holmes or Mrs Dilon will attend meetings and provide reports.


  • The following members of staff are trained DESIGNATED SAFEGUARDING LEADS:

         Miss Holmes

         Miss Judson

         (All our staff have completed safeguarding training.)



If you think a child is at risk of harm always phone CALL DERBYSHIRE: 01629 533190


  • Domestic abuse support and information services in Derbyshire: 0800 019 8668
  • DIASS - Derbyshire Information Advice & Support Service for SEND: 01629 533668
  • School Health Team:
  • Citizen’s Advice Bureau: 0300 456 8390
  • Derbyshire Recovery Partnership (alcohol / drugs): 0845 308 4010
  • Talking Mental Health Derbyshire: 0300 123 0542

