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Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day - 10th October 2022


This year's theme is 'make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority'. As part of mental health at KINS, we use whole school approach to talking about mental health called 'smilers'. 

Each of the words explains to children the things they need to know and do to support their own mental health. 


The SMILERS ways to wellbeing are:

STAY CONNECTED Having healthy relationships with people and pets to help you to feel happy.

MOVE Being active to releases chemicals in your brain which boosts your mood and makes you feel good.

INTEREST Having special interests and learning something new to keep your brain busy.

LOOK Using your senses to notice what is around you to keep you in the moment.

EATING WELL Eating a balanced diet to make you feel good and also to help you stay healthy and strong.

REST Getting a good night’s sleep to improve your memory, mood and mental health.

SUPPORT Supporting people to make us feel positive and to make them happy too!

Woodpeckers watched a video clip below about smilers and then they thought of what makes them feel happy. 

Watching the smilers - ways to wellbeing video clip...

What makes me happy?
