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Killamarsh Infant and

Nursery School

Brighter Beginnings

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At Killamarsh Infant and Nursery School we use the Jigsaw programme of work for PSHE education. The programme covers twelve key areas of learning. More details of the scheme are outlined below.


Jigsaw consists of six half-term units of work (Puzzles), each containing six lessons (Pieces) covering each academic year.


Every Piece has two Learning Intentions, one specific to PSHE (including Relationships and Health Education) and the other designed to develop emotional literacy and social skills.

Puzzles are launched with a whole-school assembly containing an original song, with each year group studying the same unit at the same time (at their own level), building sequentially through the school year, facilitating whole-school learning themes.

The various teaching and learning activities are engaging and mindful of different learning styles and the need for differentiation and the Early Years (EYFS) planning is aligned to the National Early Years Framework (England).

Jigsaw’s Units of Work (Puzzles) are:



1. Being Me in My World

Includes understanding my place in the class, school and global community as well as devising Learning Charters.


2. Celebrating Difference

Includes anti-bullying (cyber and homophobic bullying included) and diversity work.


3. Dreams and Goals

Includes goal-setting, aspirations for yourself and the world and working together.


4. Healthy Me

Includes drugs and alcohol education, self-esteem and confidence as well as healthy lifestyle choices.


5. Relationships

Includes understanding friendship, family and other relationships, conflict resolution and communication skills.


6. Changing Me

This puzzle includes sex and relationships education in the context of coping positively with change. (includes age-appropriate sex education)
